From roof eaves to underground tunnels, wasps in Washington can build almost anywhere in your yard. These tiny and aggressive pests aren’t too picky when finding a place to stay.
Some species will build anywhere in your yard, while others will stick to secluded areas. Unfortunately, some of these locations may even include your home, so you should know the proper safety precautions when you find a wasp nest in your house.
Dealing with wasps isn’t easy, and Zunex recommends never attempting to handle a hive alone. Whenever you find these pests on your property, always contact us for help!
In Washington state, there are three primary wasp species that you may see on your property. Yellow jackets, paper wasps, and bald-faced hornets are common pests that regularly inhabit homeowners in Zunex’s service areas.
Yellow jackets prefer to build their hives underground, inhabiting previously used wasp hives or overtaking an abandoned mouse, vole, or mole nest.
Because yellow jackets only live for a few months of the year, their hives don’t grow as large as termite or ant colonies. However, large, sprawling nests can house around 4,000 workers with countless developing eggs!
Occasionally, you’ll spot yellow jackets building elsewhere, like on trees, porches, or the side of homes. Bald-faced hornets and paper wasps will similarly create hives in these locations too, utilizing almost any of the structures or space on your property to build their nests.
No matter the species, these pests pose a danger whenever they’re close to or inside your home. You can see them under decks or hanging off roof eaves and porch ceilings. They may even congregate in garages, attics, or homes.
A wasp nest anywhere on your property isn’t ideal, but having one in your yard can cause a number of problems. Because of their highly territorial nature, they may attack anyone that strays too close to their nest, meaning you can’t enjoy your home in peace!
Whenever these pests invade, they tend to stick to a few locations like the following:
Wasps aren’t common indoor pests; they typically prefer to spend their time outdoors around food sources. However, if a queen wasp hibernated and built inside your home, the dangerous pests may stick around until winter.
There aren’t many safe methods for DIY wasp removal, especially if they have nested in hard-to-reach areas. Accessing the wasp nest may put you and your family at risk or even cause further damage to your home.
Zunex doesn’t recommend eliminating wasps without a professional on hand. Our trained technicians can swiftly remove the pests without endangering your household. Contact us at the first sign of wasps in or around your property.
But what should you do to prepare for a pest control appointment and keep yourself safe in the meantime? Check out these safety tips you should follow whenever you see a wasp nest in your house!
Seeing an active nest can indicate an insect problem in your home. However, you may not always see these pests if they are hidden away or out of reach.
If you regularly notice wasps in your home, follow them at a distance to see where they’re headed. Wasps who’ve accidentally entered will usually try to look for an exit or fly back out the way they came.
Any pests that regularly inhabit your home will probably return to their hidden hive once they’ve finished foraging. Whenever you spot a wasp or two flying around your home, look and see where they’re headed; you may catch them entering their nest!
You can similarly follow them outdoors to see where they’re entering your home. Some wasps may have openings that lead them to your yard, where they can find food for the hive’s young and consume pollen and nectar.
As you’re enjoying a bright day in your yard, keep a close eye on where the wasps return to as the sun sets. You could have a wasp nest if multiple pests crawl back into the same space outside your home.
Remember the spot these pests entered and exited after a pest control treatment. You’ll want to repair the affected area, especially if it leads into your home. Check out this article about bug-proofing your home!
Once you’ve found the wasp nest in your house, ensure no one in your family approaches the room or spot where wasps reside.
It’s essential to either close off the room or inform your family about the pests in your wall, attic, or garage space. If you have young children or pets, thoroughly secure the spot to avoid accidental interactions.
When wasps infest your attic or walls, you may hear an occasional buzzing sound as the pests zip around and leave the hive. While frightening, rest assured that the insects won’t bother you unless they see you as a threat.
While adult wasps primarily consume plant matter, they hunt for meat to sustain the growing larvae. Workers may forage through your kitchen or trashcan for scraps to feed the developing bugs or snatch other pests in your home.
Closing off the space where the wasps live will help them stay in one central location and keep them from sneaking off to other areas.
Once you’ve found a wasp nest in your house, you may be tempted to try out DIY removal methods. However, we urge you never to remove these pests yourself. Wasps are highly dangerous creatures and require professional assistance.
Don’t approach the nest's location, even if no wasps are around. Yellow jackets, paper wasps, and hornets aren’t shy about showing aggression and will swiftly exit their nests if they suspect you’re an intruder.
Instead, contact a pest control company like Zunex to lend a hand and thoroughly inspect the area. We can find the source of your wasp problem and even help you locate potential damages where the pests may enter and exit.