June 4, 2024

3 Types of Natural Mosquito Repellents You Need to Try!

Mosquitoes are more than just annoying pests; they can carry diseases that pose serious health risks! While many options are available to keep mosquitoes at bay, natural mosquito repellents offer an effective and environmentally friendly alternative. Plus, you can even make some at home!

In this blog, we'll explore some natural mosquito repellents, how to use them, and the best choice for your home.

Common Natural Mosquito Repellents

Mosquitoes can turn a fun evening in your backyard into a battle against itchy bites. Fortunately, we have many natural mosquito repellents to keep these pesky insects out of your hair.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are among the most popular natural mosquito repellents. Their strong fragrances can mask the scents that attract mosquitoes, making it less likely for them to find and bite you. Here are some oils you can try:

Essential oil bottle
  • Citronella: Citronella oil is the most well-known natural mosquito repellent. It's derived from lemongrass and has a fresh, lemony scent that some mosquitoes find overwhelming.
  • Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil has a pleasant, menthol-like aroma. You can apply it to your skin when diluted with a carrier oil or place a few drops into a diffuser.
  • Lavender: Lavender oil is effective against mosquitoes and adds a sweet floral scent to your home.
  • Tea Tree Oil: While its strong medicinal scent helps deter mosquitoes, it is an excellent antiseptic for itchy and swollen mosquito bites.


Certain plants can repel mosquitoes from your lawn. Try planting them in your garden or placing them in pots around your windows and doors to reduce mosquito populations!

Basil leaf on a wodden table
  • Lemon Balm: Mosquitoes avoid lemon balms because of their strong scent. You can grow this mint in your garden or pots, making it a convenient option for natural mosquito control.
  • Basil: Basil can add flavor to food and send mosquitoes packing. Its pungent smell keeps mosquitoes away and makes it an easy ingredient to add to meals.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds contain pyrethrum, a compound already used in many insect repellents. Thanks to their strong scent and natural insecticidal properties, planting marigolds around your garden can deter mosquitoes and other insects.
  • Catnip: Growing catnip in your garden can help keep mosquitoes away, but it may also attract neighborhood cats!

Homemade Remedies

If you prefer DIY solutions, we have a few homemade remedies that can repel mosquitoes using ingredients you already have at home.

Sliced lemon
  • Vinegar and Herb Sprays: A mixture of apple cider vinegar and herbs like mint, rosemary, or lavender can create an effective natural mosquito-repellent spray. Simply steep the herbs in vinegar, strain the mixture, and transfer it to a spray bottle to easily apply it anywhere.
  • Garlic and Oil Mixtures: You can create a mosquito repellent by mixing minced garlic with mineral oil, allowing it to sit overnight, and then straining the garlic. Dilute the garlic-infused oil with water and a bit of lemon juice, and spray it in areas where mosquitoes are a problem.
  • Lemon and Clove Solutions: Slice a lemon in half and press cloves into the flesh. Place these lemon and clove halves around your outdoor seating areas to create a mosquito-free zone.

Making the Most Out of Your Natural Mosquito Repellent

If you use an essential oil, dilute it with a carrier oil, like coconut or almond oil, before applying it to your skin.

For essential oils, dilute them with a carrier oil (like coconut or almond oil) before applying to your skin. You can add a few drops to a diffuser or spray bottle with water to mist around your home.

Plants can help keep mosquitoes out by placing them around entry points like windows and doors. You can also crush the leaves and rub them on your skin for a more direct repellent effect.

Homemade remedies, such as vinegar, herb sprays, garlic, and oil mixtures, can be sprayed around the home or outdoors.

Advantages of Natural Repellents

Natural repellents are typically eco-friendly and break down quickly in the environment. Many natural repellents have additional benefits, such as essential oils that can also help relieve stress and improve mood.

Limitations and Considerations

While they have their benefits, natural mosquito repellents aren’t as effective as professional pest control. They won’t provide the same level of protection as chemical repellents, especially in areas with a high mosquito population.

Other Tips to Try

Regularly check your property for standing water sources, like bird baths, plant saucers, clogged gutters, and old tires. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, so eliminating these sources can significantly reduce their breeding grounds.

If you have bird baths or pet water bowls, change the water frequently to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. Use lids or mesh covers on rain barrels and water storage containers to keep mosquitoes out, too.

During the day, mosquitoes tend to hide in tall grass and dense foliage. Keep your lawn, shrubs, and bushes well-trimmed to reduce mosquito resting areas. Remove any piles of leaves, grass clippings, or other yard debris where mosquitoes might find shelter.

Mosquitoes are weak fliers, so fans in outdoor seating areas can help keep them at bay. The breeze makes it difficult for mosquitoes to fly and land, so fans can prevent them from reaching your porch!

For more information, check out our blog “How to Control Mosquitoes in Your Yard!

When all else fails, it’s time to call in the professionals. At Zunex Pest Control, we specialize in mosquito prevention and elimination, providing expert services that keep those blood-sucking pests away.

Contact us today to keep your backyard and home mosquito-free!

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