German Cockroach

 Identification and Control

Proper identification is an important first step in controlling ants.

Blattella germanica

How to Identify an 

German Cockroach

German cockroaches are the most common type of cockroach, measuring about 1/2 to an inch long. They are light brown and have two dark stripes on their head. They are most easily identified by their small size and their tendency to hide in cracks and crevices.

Where do they come from?

Most cockroach species like warm, damp regions like kitchens and food storage rooms. With the German Cockroach, that's no different. They're commonly seen around sinks, appliances, furnaces, among other things.

How to keep them out

The best way to get rid of German cockroaches is to eliminate their food sources by thoroughly cleaning your kitchen and bathrooms. You can also use commercial cockroach bait or spray. If you have a severe infestation, you may need to call a professional exterminator.

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What do they look like?

German cockroach with an othecca attached
Two stripes on the back of a German cockroach
Close up view of a German cockroach
German cockroach othecca

Where do they live?

You can find german cockroaches under the sink, behind kitchen cabinets, under countertops, behind the fridge, or near drains and pipes.


Blattella germanica



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